Price Quote

Please fill-up below "FREE NO OBLIGATION PRICE QUOTE FORM" and please make sure you enter all the information requested below. This will allow us to respond to your requests efficiently & accurately.
mark fields (*) are necessary
Quote Information :
* Name :
* Company :
* Address :
* City :
* State :
* Zip :
* Country :
* Phone :
* Fax :
* E-Mail :
* No. of Assembly :
* Turn Days :
Other :
Part Number :
Revision :
* Are Assembly Drawings Available : Yes No
* If no, what is an estimated completion date : (mm/dd/yyyy)
* Are Gerbers Available? : Yes No
* Complete Bill of Material Available : Yes No
(excel or pdf format)? :  
* Are part data sheets available? : Yes No
Parts on consignment? : Yes No
Fine Pitch to procure parts? : Yes No
* Total parts per board :
* Surface mount parts :
* Thru hole parts :
* Are fiducials on board? : Yes No
Board Length :
Bord Width :
Board shipped to Fine Pitch in? :
Number of PCBs per panel?
* BGAs on Board? : Yes No
If so, how many? :
Smallest pitch BGA? :
* 0201 footprints onboard? : Yes No
If yes, how many? :
* 0402 footprints onboard? : Yes No
If yes, how many? :
Finish on PCB (i.e. HAL, Gold, White Tin,etc.) :
Other :
Solder Mask on PCB? : Yes No
Sillk Screen on PCB :
For an accurate Design quote please attach the following information.
  • Assembly drawings (AutoCad or PDF)
  • BOM (Bill of Materials) with footprint data sheets
  • Gerber data
  • All other relevant information
Attach a file :  
Note: Please combine all information into a single .zip file before attaching
All quotes are subject to change upon review of the final data supplied.